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What We Are NOT!

WCMC isnotan insurance agent/agency, QRC or TPA, nor are we affiliated, owned, or operated by one. We are an independently owned consulting firm that specializes in creative case management of workers’ compensation injuries. WCMC is hired by the employer to monitor how their money is spent on workers’ compensation claims. Even though the insurance company or third-party administrator makes all final claim decisions, WCMC makes sure the employer’s views are presented and well known. 

Taking the pressure off you:

Once a claim is received, our team works quickly to contact both the injured employee and the employer for information concerning the injury. Next, we begin to get a feel for the injury and then decide which direction we need to take the claim. Sometimes that means calling a clinic to get a work release; other times it might mean ordering medical records because we feel a further investigation is appropriate. Our risk managers have daily contact with adjusters from various insurance companies. This has allowed us to build a working relationship with many adjusters. 

We will also have close contact with an employer to make sure that appropriate work is being offered to injured employees and that the employees are working within said restrictions. Often times there are employment issues that come along with a worker’s compensation injury. We are able to offer guidance so that employment issues do not impact the overall outcome of the workers’ compensation injury. 

Our goal is to limit the time and energy you need to spend navigating the ins and outs of work comp claims, so you can focus on what matters most to you: running your business! 

What makes us different:

Our dedication!~ Our risk managers maintain a constant dialogue with all parties to ensure the work comp claim is handled cost effectively and as quickly as possible. By working closely with managers, injured employees, medical providers, insurance company representatives, and attorneys, we help ensure that all available and relevant information is provided to all concerned parties. 

Our resources!~ WCMC also utilizes a network of resources available for our clients, including recommended occupational injury doctors and legal counsel.   Occupational injury doctors believe inquickreturn to work program for the employee’s own benefit. Our legal counsel has specialized in the defense of employers in workers compensation matters for over twenty years. 

Our industry-wide experience!~ We serve companies in almost every industry,including the following:home health care, nursing homes, temporary employment agencies, public housing agencies, construction companies, car dealerships, hair salons, schools, delivery services and more.